International Women’s Day 2023

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March 10, 2023

Today we celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of Women. At Crown we’re proud to have a diverse team of Women across all levels of our portfolio in a traditionally male-dominated industry

We’ll continue to celebrate women not only today, but every day. Happy international women’s day!Over the course of her 18 years at Crown, Judy Arsenault has mentored many, many team members. She been honoured by the Association of Energy Engineers Greater Toronto Area Chapter as the first female chapter award winner since 2020 for their annual Wrench of the Year Award! This award is given to 4 people each year across the commercial real estate and construction industry to recognize individuals who exemplify the spirit of hard work, hands-on responsibility, and determination that resulted in the successful implementation of an energy efficiency project, or in Judy’s case – three projects at 90 Sheppard.

Congratulations, Judy, on this amazing achievement!

Maria Marques is a quintessential piece of the puzzle at 90 Sheppard and in the Crown family, having worked at the property for 30 years! Maria is not only extremely dedicated to her work and to customer service, but someone who genuinely cares about others. She has been a friend to the Crown team, and to our tenants at the building, exemplifying the true meaning of teamwork. Thank you, Maria, for all that you’ve done and continue to do for our tenants and for Crown. Happy 30th anniversary!

This International Women’s Day, Andrea Mandel-Campbell joined us in a great conversation about #entrepreneurship#growthmindset#mentorship, and #diversity. Thanks for all who participated and who continue to #embraceequity every day!

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