An Hour of Darkness to Protect a Brilliant Planet

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April 8, 2019

Crown is committed to utilizing the best sustainability practices that ensure the long-term resiliency, health, and well-being of our employees, tenants, buildings and the surrounding environment. With sustainability being an integral part of who we are as an organization, Crown proudly participates in Earth Hour each and every year. We take part, and take pride, in joining the world for an hour of darkness to help bring awareness to environmental change.

This year, on March 30 between 8:30 and 9:30 pm, Crown turned off non-essential lighting and electrical components in all buildings within our portfolio. All properties under our management also participated in the 2019 BOMA Toronto, Beyond Earth Hour Challenge. And, in addition to this, all applicable Tenants joined us in the Tenant Challenge category of this initiative, which focused on the collective conservation efforts of both tenant and landlord. Through our collaborative efforts, we worked closely with our tenants and together realized energy-saving strategies that drove down operational costs and decreased excess energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions.

Throughout the week leading up to Earth Hour, Crown’s Operation teams worked rigorously to reduce each buildings energy consumption through various means, such as:

  • Utilizing real-time energy monitoring
  • Switching off non-essential lighting
  • Optimizing various lighting controls and motion sensors
  • Adjusting various cooling temperature set points
  • Collaborating with our tenants

Moving beyond Earth Hour, we are committed to working internally and with our tenants to find operational efficiencies and build upon the strategies we implemented in the week leading up to Earth Hour to ensure energy and environmental savings year-round.Stay tuned for more information for the “shocking” results from BOMA Toronto’s Beyond Earth Hour Challenge.We would also like to thank everyone who participated in our Earth Hour photography contest over social media and congratulate @leslynling for the winning photo submission!


Some of the very honourable mentions from the photography contest:


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