Every Day Is Earth Day

Let your green side show. Post a photo of how you are doing your part to help the environment.
Use the hashtag #CPMIGreen and tag @CrownCRP on Twitter and Instagram!


Know the difference between trash & recycling.

Sort recycling items & place in the blue bin.

Take it one step further to recycle water & even electricity.

Re-use items instead of throwing them away.

Going Green

Take public transit, bike or walk to work.

Carpool to work in a group.

Drive an electric car & use our EV stations!

Spare Water

If you see a dripping faucet let Management know.

Use refillable bottles instead of buying water.

Unplug It

Plug loads account for up to 10% of total electricity consumed in office buildings.

Shut off lights that you aren’t using.

Unplug electronics you don’t use often.

Update your sleep mode settings.

Committed to a Greener Future

In celebration of Earth Day and Earth Week you may have received an “Earth Day is Every Day” pencil from your Crown Property Management Team, which you can plant and grow into fresh basil! Here’s how you do it: